Wednesday we had our regular meeting and the theme was hunters night due to the upcoming deer season. Most of the brothers dressed up in their hunting garb. We had a makeshift campfire, fully decked out with burning sterno cans. We do what we can.
Worthy Brother Craig Mason from Grand Lodge was invited to talk about the Masonic Charity Foundations and other charity events that the Masons sponsor. By the end of the night our lodge voted on sponsoring a sign that will be placed at next years golf outing. It was great to hear how involved the Masons are with children’s programs. In March we will be sponsoring a bowling event at the Royal Scot Bowling lanes here in Lansing.
After all the business was taken care of we elected the upcoming officers for 2014. I was again elected to be the Worshipful Master again for one more year. We have some great men that will be following me in the next couple years. Our goal is to set them up with some of their programs that they want to see the lodge do when they get in office.