The Order of the Eastern Star is composed of Masons and women over the age of 18 that are related to Masons. The Eastern Star participates in a variety of social and charitable activities. Contact us for membership information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Is the Order of the Eastern Star a secret society?
A. No. Secret societies are underground and hard to find. We are easily found within the community but we enjoy a distinctive means of identifying each other. Only members are allowed in a closed meeting.
Q. Can I afford membership In the Order of the Eastern Star?
A. Yes. Financial position is not considered in the Order. Members come from all economic stations of life.
Q. Is my religious faith allowed In the Order of the Eastern Star?
A. Yes. Members of all religions may belong to the Order of the Eastern Star. We only require a belief in a Supreme Being.
Q. Is the Order of the Eastern Star time consuming?
A. After your Initiation into our Order, you may attend as your time permits.
Q. Is there any memory work?
A. There is no mandatory memory work except the means of making yourself known if you wish to visit a Chapter or if you become an officer.
Q. Is the Order patriotic and democratic?
A. Yes. Members are taught an allegiance to preserve the good of their country.