CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS – Grand Ledge Chapter #85
Petition the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons requires the completion of your degrees in Symbolic Masonry (Blue Lodge).
This will start your Journey in the York Rite of Masonry where the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons will confer the Capitular Degrees in Masonry.
Grand Ledge Chapter #85 meets at the Grand Ledge Masonic Temple (200 River St. Grand Ledge, Michigan) on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
Royal Arch Masonry is not a religion and does not endeavor to fix ones conception of God. Royal Arch Masonry regards your religious beliefs as your own. It does not attempt to influence your belief, it only asks that you have a belief.
Membership / Degrees:
The Chapter, as present in Michigan, consists of four beautiful degrees:
- Mark Master
- Past Master
- Most Excellent Master
- Royal Arch Degree
Membership is gained by the presentation of ritual through degrees, as described above, the degrees are more important in regard to the Meaning of the ritual than the wording thereof.
High Priest
Tim Hines
Chris Chamberlain
[email protected]
(517) 507-8715