WB Gary S. Reigler
To all Brothers, where-so-ever dispersed over the face of the earth. Grand Ledge Lodge #179, Free and Accepted Masons wishes to express its deepest sorrow
Yankee Doodle Days 2022
A great time was had serving the community at the 2022 Yankee Doodle Days.
WB Warren Caruss Funeral Arrangements
To all Brothers, where-so-ever dispersed over the face of the earth. Grand Ledge Lodge #179, Free and Accepted Masons wishes to inform you that our beloved
WB Preston S. Childs
To all Brothers, where-so-ever dispersed over the face of the earth. Grand Ledge Lodge #179, Free and Accepted Masons wishes to express its deep sorrow
Helping out our Potterville Brothers, Building Beds for Children
Today we helped out our Potterville Brothers stock a food pantry, and built beds for children. Worshipful Master Aaron Malcolm, Bros. Eric Brugman, Bill Carney,
Rebuilding a widow’s deck
One of our callings as Masons is to assist our late Brother’s widows. Our late Brother Lee Miller’s wife Marji, an O.E.S. member and frequent